365Telugu.com online news,April 28th,2023: Many people struggle to know where an empty seat is while traveling by train. Vacant seat can be identified very easily by this method without having to go around TTE for that.

If you are looking for an empty berth or seat while traveling by train, you don’t need to go to TTE or TC. One can know which coach berth is available through mobile. https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/mntes/

With the help of IRCTC app, passengers can know about the vacant berth or seat in the train. First open the app and click on train option. Then tap on the empty chart icon. Then enter train name, number, boarding station, date.

If a seat or berth is available in the train, its details will appear here. Here you can get complete information about how many berths are available in any coach or any class. You don’t need to login to IRCTC app to avail this facility. You can get this information without signing in. https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/mntes/