365Telugu.com online news,January 27th, 2024 : Ram Lalla idol installation is nothing less than a celebration for the people of the country. On January 22, the Ayodhya Ram Mandir was inaugurated.
Many superstars like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh Chief Mohan Bhagwat, Gujarat Governor Anandi Ben Patel, Sachin Tendulkar, Amitabh Bachchan, Kangana Ranaut, Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt also participated in the event.
Ram Janmabhoomi..
To reach Ayodhya Ram Mandir, you can choose any of the three modes by air, rail or road as per your convenience. By air, Maharishi Valmiki Airport is located in Ayodhya.

By Railway, Ayodhya Dham Railway Junction is the railway station in Ayodhya from where you can easily go to Ram Temple. Moreover, Lucknow railway station is very close to Ayodhya. If you want to come by road, you can use Uttar Pradesh bus service.
What is the time of Ramlala Aarti..?
Ramlala Aarti Timings 06:30 AM, 07:30 PM. Devotees can also participate in it, but only 30 people are allowed to participate in it at a time.
It is prohibited to take any items inside the temple..?
Electronic items like smartphone, camera, smart watch, earphone should not be carried while entering the temple. Apart from that, going inside with belts and bags is also prohibited.
What is the area of Ram Mandir..?
The temple premises are spread over 70 acres. The area of the Ram Temple is 2.7 acres. The height of the temple is 360 feet and width is 235 feet. Besides this, the temple has three floors in total, each floor being 20 feet high. This temple has total 12 doors.
The number of sikharas and mandapalas is 5. The lower floor of the temple has 160 pillars, the first floor has 132 and the second floor has 74.