365Telugu.com online news, May14th,2023: Air conditioner is need for you during summer season. It actually cools your room in minutes. If you use an air conditioner in your home, the electricity bill will increase significantly. You can reduce your monthly current bill.

If you want to reduce the cost of electricity bill even if you use an air conditioner, then let us know how to reduce the increased electricity bill even after running the air conditioner. You can reduce your electricity bill by making a small setting.

Air conditioner low setting

Usually, when you run the air conditioner, first you set it at the lowest temperature, which cools the room faster. Within 3 to 4 minutes, your entire room will become cool. But do you know that doing this will increase the electricity bill faster and cost more electricity..? Apart from this one should know at which temperature the electricity bill will be less.

The air conditioner has a temperature of up to 28 degrees. But people often underestimate it. In such a situation the electricity bill will increase. If you are urgent and need to reduce the temperature of the room gradually, for this you set the air conditioner temperature between 24 degrees to 28 degrees.

Within 10 minutes the room temperature will decrease. This will reduce electricity consumption and save money. If you do this, the electricity bill will not increase every month. This small setting in AC can save you lakhs of rupees.