365Telugu.com Online news,Hyderabad,February 19th, 2023: The Club Run, which is an annual running event jointly organized by University of Hyderabad and Hyderabad Runners, was conducted on Sunday at Hyderabad Central University Campus.
This year’s event marks the 14 th edition of the Club Run. The event had 10Km and Half Marathon (21.1 Km) categories. The 21.1 Km run was flagged off by Brigadier Ganesh Nagarajan, Mehdipatnam cantonment. The 10 Km run was flagged off by the Pro Vice Chancellor of University of Hyderabad, Professor R.S. Sarraju.
Around 3000 runners from all over the twin cities took part in the event. The participants included many students and staff from the University. The Club Run event is a qualifying race for the NMDC Hyderabad Marathon participation. Considering this aspect, the runners gave their best to clock their best timings.

Care Hospitals provided the emergency medical support for the event and various departments of University of Hyderabad provided their support by facilitating the run to be conducted smoothly within their campus.
- Winners of the Half Marathon (21.1 Km) Race
- Male: Surendra Paravada (1 Hour 21 Mins 17 Secs)
- Female: Vishwa Sanghavi (1 Hour 49 Mins 47 Secs)
Winners of the 10Km Race
- Male: Ramu Korra (43 Mins 21 Secs)
- Female: Suparna Das (51 Mins 35 Secs)
The top 3 runners were felicitated by Abhijeet Madnurkar, President of Hyderabad Runners, Srinivas Munipalle and Ajit Mishra, Race Director of Club Run 2023.