365Telugu.com online news,January 16th,2025: Global Star Ram Charan teamed up with sensational director Buchi Babu Sana (who made a blockbuster debut with “Uppena”) for the much-anticipated film, tentatively called RC 16. The film’s shooting has been taking place briskly.
RC 16 boasts of an ensemble cast, including the charismatic Janhvi Kapoor, Karunada Chakravarthy Shiva Rajkumar, versatile actor Jagapathi Babu, and talented Bollywood actor Divyenndu of Mirzapur fame. Building on the excitement, Jagapathi Babu shared his enthusiasm for the film.

The actor posted a high energy behind-the-scenes (BTW) video that offered a peek into the hard work and dedication that is being put into his character transformation. Known for his dedication to roles, trust Jagapathi Babu to get into the skin of the character he takes up.
In the video, Jagapathi Babu expressed his gratification by writing, “After a long time, Buchi Babu Sana gave me good work for RC 16. I feel very satisfied after watching my look (getup) in the movie.” The actor’s video is already captivating fans and his statement has raised curiosity and expectations about his surreal and never-seen-before avatar in the film.
Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman will be creating a mesmerizing musical experience for RC 16. Renowned cinematographer Ratnavelu is handling the direction of photography, while Avinash Kolla is serving as production designer.

RC 16 is posed to deliver a fresh and immersive storytelling experience. More updates regarding the shoot and additional cast and crew will be announced soon.