365telugu.com,online news,Hyderabad, JUNE 21st, 2019: Indian chamber of commerce (ICC) on the occasion of ‘World Yoga day’ organized web-interactive Session on “Vision for holistic lifestyle and natural consumption for the future of India and planet”, the chief guest of event is Governor of Telangana was welcomed by Rajiv Reddy, chairman southern council.Dr. GBK Rao, CMD, Pragati Health Resorts (Pragati Group) and Biodiversity expert and also the Chairman of ICC Committee on “Agriculture & Food Processing Sector, was the Special Guest. He interacted with the Chief Guest Mrs. Tamilisai, the Governor of Telanganaon the importance of vedic food habits to lead a holistic life style to protect living beings and the Planet Earth as well. This Interactive session was conducted by ICC (Indian Chamber of Commerce) in association Isha foundation, Coimbatore on 20th June 2020, at 4:30 pm to 5.30 PM.Dr. GBK while initiating the interaction with the Governor, said – holistic life depends on four pillars: what we think (Divine thoughts), what we eat (Healthy diet – Vedic food), how we farm (Natural farming), where we live (Living with nature). ‘Indian Vedic way of living’ is the perfect way to lead a holistic lifestyle by up keeping the sound health of body, mind, soul and the Planet.He also emphasized the imminent need to cultivate the habit of growing plants, cows and promote cow-based natural farming and also healthy habits for holistic lifestyle to protect ourselves and the Planet as well.

Dr. GBK Says, it is the mankind who damaged the ecology for their greediest aspirations in the guise of development and the ultra-modern lifestyles. It is our Responsibility to conserve the ecology by planting more trees, habituating vedic food (harithaahaaram) viz. Millets, Pulses, Herbal Decoctions and Palm jaggeryinstead of unhealthy Rice, Wheat and Sugar cane which consume more water and contribute to the ecological imbalance. Due to excess and unprofessional usage of chemical pesticides and fertilizers the soil is contaminated with the particles of arsenic, led, mercury which are hazardous to health. It was also stressed that Telangana farmers are using 185 kgs of chemical fertilizers per acre as against the national average of 52.1 kgs per acre. This is 261% above to the national average consumption of chemical fertilizers. The soil pollution is the root cause for pollution of five elements and the environment as well. COVID-19 is only a starting and hundreds of such viruses are going to erupt. The Only answer to face these challenges is to practice Indian vedic food culture and cowbased natural farming.Governor also expressed her serious concern on the conscious ignorance of our traditional culture and heritage of the land where the human being used to lead a holistic lifestyle being in conjunction with the Nature. She called upon the people to go back to our traditional (vedic sources) food culture viz. Millets, Herbal decoctions, cold press oils, palm Jaggery, cold press oils etc. One can save 60 lakhs liters of water per person per annum if we shift from Rice, wheat and sugar cane to Vedic foodculture thereby ensuring the ecological balance.

Governor appreciated the efforts of PRAGTI which has been promoting and propagating the importance of development of greenery and Biodiversity for the very survival of the mankind on the planet Earth.She appealed that it is everybody’s responsibility to promote holistic food habits to save our mother earth and also to drive the mankind towards holistic lifestyle for a purposeful life with full of content.India has been the mother of all cultures, traditions and customs associated with science. Rishi sanskriti, vedas, Upanishads and epics are our sacred wealth. Rishi sanskriti has been a direction to the mankind. Our vedas and epics taught the mankind how to lead a holistic life in conjunction with nature. All spices of Indian kitchen – black cardamom, black pepper, black cumin, cinnamon, bay leaf, cloves, coriander, curry tree leaves, fenugreek leaf, garlic, ginger, dalchini, garam masala ( 8+ spices), mustard seed, nutmeg, turmeric etc., have been the wall of immunity for Indians.This is right time to start spreading the needed awareness on the importance of ‘Vedic way of living’ to practice for the very survival of all the living beings and the Planet. It is the need of the Hour to embrace our Vedic Way of Living to lead a Holistic Life Style to protect ourselves and the nature.During the session Dr. GBK urged upon the Governor to impress upon the Government of Telangna to promote cow-based natural farming; decentralization of Vertical metros spreading them into suburbs for horizontal development of cities for ensuring the quality of healthy living of the people.He also expressed the growing need to arrest the migration from jungles to concrete jungles to arrest the rapid urbanization. These concrete jungles are the root causes for deadly viruses and the deteriorated qualityof environment viz. five elements.
Mr. Naveen Madishetty, region head, Indian chamber of commerce:We would like to warm welcome to thanks Mr. GBK Rao and Her excellence Honorable Governor of Telangana Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan and thanking for taking time and addressing on this international yoga day. We are going through tough time better we stay home and stay safe we think stay home and utilize this time at starting point in encourage the members do yoga as well in additional to their routine life.
Mr. GBK Rao, ICC Experts committee:I am very great full to ICC for their initiative on international yoga day Vision for a holistic lifestyle and natural consumption for the future of India and planet.Holistic life and natural life are inter dependent. Holistic life leads to Natural life and natural consumption lead to Holistic life. Today Covid 19 Pandemic our Indian culture lifestyle and food habits will save us. To lead a holistic life style purity of environment by 5 elements prithvi, jal, agni, vayu and aakash. The purity will be protected when we practice our Indian basic way of living.
Her excellence Honorable Governor of Telangana Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan:Wishers to Indian chamber of commerce for taking initiative on international yoga day Vision for a holistic lifestyle and natural consumption for the future of India and planet.She said visited Pragati resorts it was like a green haven and man-made forest and congratulated Mr. GBK Rao for extraordinary work.Be modernize but not westernize” we have to go back to our roots and we have to go back to our tradition and we have to follow it. Even though I am an allopathic doctor I always love natural to cure in natural way by using spices etc..Yoga and Holistic food & lifestyle gives happiness and mental peace. Yoga is a 5000 year of old tradition. Happiness is the key of life then we can live our life in a more peaceful way.Due to this Covid 19 pandemic has created a situation we all can sit together to eat, to understand our self , to understand our family members, to understand health and to understand the food habits.Good Food, yoga, excises and meditation really makes life most beautiful in the world

Our Honorable PM has highlighted Yoga in Internationally as an international yoga day the union assembling on 21 June. June 21st is the long day of the year we celebrate it for long life that is beauty. We are thankful to our prime minster for making understand 5000 years old tradition rich. More than 175 countries celebrate International Yoga day.We live for 50 years or 60 or years but living quality life is most important we must be able to sit, we must be able to stand, we must be able to run and we must be able to bend90% of the people are unable to sit on the floor we have to practice our life for quality life.Now we are calculating our currency not calories but calories are more important than currency, looking at our bank balance we are balancing the currency not balancing calories.We should follow our old traditions in olden days they want us to wash our hand, legs and mouth and nose and they want us to sit down and eat so that we have good digestive system.Now have to look back into our tradition and we have to follow.Live holistic life to holistic pattern and eat all natural food not artificial foodLet us enjoy & live quality of life and follow yoga and meditation.