365Telugu.com online news, august 15th,2023: It’s well said that “ Not gold but men can build the country strong” Students of today are the citizens of tomorrow inbuilted with virtuous qualities like truth, non violence, honesty and above all the love for their country can make the strongest foundation of our country.

Devotion and love towards our nation embody true spirit of patriotism. It involves a sense of responsibility towards our country, as its citizens help it grow.

In Pallavi Aware International School the program started with great pomp and gaiety. The tricolour national flag was hoisted and unfurled with great pride in the hearts among the huge gathering of management, staff, students and parents present in the PAIS campus.

Students of Grade VI to X exhibited their love towards the country through different acts like singing patriotic songs, Nukad Natak, Skits and dances which drenched everyone with patriotism. Director Mrs. Anita Reddy Principal Mrs. Radhika Borgaonker graced the occasion.

Mrs. Radhicka Borgaonker addressed the gathering urging all the students to revere all our unsung heroes along with our freedom fighters who laid their lives to gift us with free India. Now we should shoulder the responsibility of making our country “Swachh Bharat” in real sense taking the “Green Pledge” everyday as an integral part of our routine life.

Director Mrs. Anita Reddy wished every one present saying to retain the sense of patriotism and applauded all the participants and the staff who relentlessly worked behind to make the event a grand success.