365Telugu.com Online news,Hyderabad, 28th January, 2023: Hyderabad headquartered Novus Green Energy Systems Ltd, has today announced the successful installation and synchronization of India’s largest floating solar plant with transparent glass to glass modules at The Singareni Thermal Power Plant, Jaipur, Mancherial District.
The plant has a total capacity of 15 MW (AC) / 19.5 MW (DC), and phase 1, which has been commissioned, has a capacity of 5 MW(AC)/6.5MW(DC). The plant uses transparent glass-to-glass solar modules, which are more efficient than traditional solar modules, and is the first of its kind to be manufactured and used at this scale in India.
The project was floated by the Singareni Colleries Ltd which has always been a pioneer in adopting solar across all their utility establishments in Telangana and was awarded to Novus Green Energy Systems & Ilios Power consortium through e-bidding process.

The solar panels used in the plant have been manufactured in India as part of the government’s “Make in India” initiative by Novus Green. The company’s MD, Mr Anshuman Yenigalla, stated that it is a double windfall as end-to-end manufacturing and execution have been done by Novus Green through their inhouse teams and manufacturing facility.
The project is certified to global standards including all the components used . The company is grateful for the support provided by the Indian Renewable Development Agency (IREDA) for believing in and financing such a first of its kind project.
Naveen Vunnam, CEO of Ilios Power further adds that they are more than eagerly looking forward to commission the remaining 10MW(AC)/13.5(DC) in the next few months as the technology is now fully demonstrated on field and the execution process has been streamlined.
The project faced several challenges, such as the design and manufacturing of floating boards by the Indian company FloatVolt by meeting all testing standards and fixing frameless glass to glass modules onto the float boards.
The overall design was vetted by an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), making it the first floating solar project to be vetted by a premium institute like IIT.
The company has a proven track record, having executed several projects over a span of more than a decade, including a 1.1 MW project in Chhattisgarh (India’s biggest captive solar plant) that was inaugurated by Dr Farooq Abdullah (ex-Minister of New & Renewable Energy)
and Dr Raman Singh (ex-CM of Chhattisgarh) in the year 2013. Novus Green has also recently moved into manufacturing state-of-the-art solar panels near Shamshabad, with an annual capacity of 300 MW and plans to increase it to 1 GW in the next few months.