365telugu.com online news,India,january 28th,2022:IndusTowers Limited (FormerlyBhartiInfratelLimited)(“Indus Towers” or “the Company”) today announced its audited Consolidated results for the thirdquarter ended December 31, 2021. Following the merger between Bharti Infratel Limited and IndusTowers, effective November 19, 2020, the results filed under Regulation 33 and Regulation 52 of theSEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015,as amended,are notcomparable with the results disclosed prior to the effective date.Hence, the Company has given proformaunaudited consolidated results (see note). The Consolidated revenue forthe quarter was Rs.6,927 Crore,up3%Y-o-Y.ConsolidatedEBITDAwasatRs.3,704Crore,up3%Y-o-Yandrepresentinganoperatingmarginof53.5%.ThenetprofitforthequarterwasRs.1,571Crore,up16%Y-o-Y.TheOperatingFreeCash Flow was at Rs. 2,279 Crore up 21% Y-o-Y. The Return on Equity (Pre-Tax) increased to 39.3% asagainst34.2%onY-o-Ybasis [ReturnonEquity(PostTax) increasedto 29.8% asagainst25.5% Y-o Ybasis].The Returnon Capita lEmploy edincreased to 24.5% asagainst21.3%onY-o-Ybasis.


“Governmentthroughitspoliciesreiterateditscommitmenttowardsensuringthehealthandstabilityof the sector, and the telecom operators reciprocated suitably which is expected to aid the financialandoperationalwell-beingofthesectorparticipants.

At Indus Towers, the quarter marked completion of a year of operations of the merged entity whichhas made our industry leadership positioning more robust. Our steady operational and financialperformance during the quarter was reassuring. We believe that our focus to promote passiveinfrastructure sharing and capitalize on adjacencies will help us further strengthen our commitment ofPuttingIndiaFirstthroughconnectinglives.”


At Indus Towers, endeavours have always been to build a sustainable future for the communities itservesandcreatelong-termvalueforallthestakeholdersintheprocess.Tofurthersharpenthefocustowards Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) efforts, an ESG Committee of the Board andESGManagementCouncilhave been setup.

The ESG Committee will be led by Ms. Sonu Bhasin- Independent Director as Chairperson of theCommittee and will have Mr. Randeep Singh Sekhon- Non-executive Director, Mr. Thomas Reisten-Non-executive Director and Mr. Bimal Dayal- Managing Director & CEO as its members. The ESGCommittee will provide strategic guidance and support the Company’s journey on ESG vision, priorities,andinitiatives.

The Company aims to achieve significant progress across the environmental, social and governancespheres,andcontinueexpandingitsinfrastructureandmakingitmoreresilient,intandemwithsustainablepractices.

SummaryoftheConsolidatedStatementofIncome–RepresentsProformaConsolidatedStatementofIncomeasperIND AS.


Profit beforeTax2,0891,83814%

1. Revenue, EBITDA,EBIT,OperatingfreecashflowandAdjustedFundfromOperations(AFFO)are excludingotherincome.

2. OperatingFreeCashFlowisanon INDASmeasureandisdefinedasEBITDAadjustedforcapexandrepaymentofleaseliabilities.

3. AdjustedFreeCashFlowisanonINDASmeasureandisdefinedasEBITDAadjustedforMaintenanceandGeneralCorporatecapexandrepaymentofleaseliabilities.

AverageSharingFactorTimes1.811.81 1.82 
ClosingSharingFactorTimes1.811.81 1.81 

1. Reporting of towers & colocations has been changed from notice basis to actual exit basis w.e.f. 1st July 2021. During the consolidation phase ofthe telecom industry, Indus had adopted a conservative approach in December 2018 of reporting exits basis notices received vis-à-vis the earliermethod of reporting basis actual exits. Now with the stabilization in the industry and reducing trend of exits, Indus has moved back to the earlierapproachofreportingchurnbasedonactualexitstorepresentactualcolocationsbilled.Thishasresultedinone-timeadditionof3,630colocationsinclosing baseforthequarterendedSeptember30,2021.

Note: Proforma unaudited consolidated financial results (‘Proforma results’) prepared assuming merger was effective from April1, 2018 and hence, considered the effect of merger since then as per pooling of interest method in accordance with Appendix CofIndAS103. Theconsideration giventotheshareholders,cancellationofInvestmentofInfratelinerstwhileIndusandrecordingof assets, liabilities and reserves at carrying value of erstwhile Indus has been considered in these results for all the periodspresented. Hence, the results include the combined operation of Infratel and erstwhile Indus on line by line basis and line by lineconsolidationforits subsidiary andthecontrolledtrust.