Mon. Jan 13th, 2025 5:46:29 PM online news,July 24th, 2023: India’s population is also growing rapidly. The problem of infertility is spreading rapidly. According to the World Health Organization, 18 percent of India’s population suffers from infertility. This problem is increasing due to wrong eating habits, delay in marriage and lack of attention to health.

In terms of childlessness, the situation is worse in cities. The ever-increasing number of IVF clinics in cities is proof of how fast this problem is growing.

People resort to IVF to solve the problem of infertility. But in most cases this treatment does not work. Can panchakarma and ayurvedic methods be adopted to treat infertility in such a situation..? Now let’s find out.

After six years of marriage, Kanchana did not have a child. To solve this problem, she also took treatment at many places. But no children were born. In such a situation, Kanchana became pregnant within a few months of receiving Ayurveda and Panchakarma treatment.

What do the experts say..?

Medical experts say that Panchakarma and Ayurveda can treat infertility. Many infertile couples have successfully come out of infertility by following these medical procedures. Doctors say that if there is frequent miscarriages, hydrosalpics or tube block, then it can be treated with Panchakarma and Ayurvedic methods.

Many couples facing infertility problem resort to IVF but it is not successful in most of the cases but infertility can be easily treated by Ayurveda. In this men and women do not have to face any difficult process. It is very easily done.

In this method, Ayurvedic medicines and oil are injected into the woman’s uterus through a catheter. It cures many diseases like tube blockage, recurrent miscarriage, uterine fibroids, irregular periods.

In Ayurveda, infertility is treated by the Uttara Basti method. This treatment supplies nutrients to the entire body except the reproductive organs. It increases the energy level in the body. It prepares the body for childbirth. Uttara Basti treatment is very good. With this method, many women become mothers even those who are not affected by the IVF process.

20 to 30 percent of cases are male infertility..

There is a myth in the society that only women are victims of infertility, but this is not the case. Men can also suffer from infertility. In 20 to 30 percent of cases infertility is due to male infertility. Medical experts reveal that this happens due to lack of sperm count and poor quality of sperm in men.

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