365telugu.com online news,Guntur,December 11, 2021: Tata Steel, with the help of the Andhra Police, conducted a raid on Kodandarama Interiors in Piduguralla, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh on December 6, wherein counterfeit Tata Pravesh brand name was being misused. Original Tata Pravesh’s doors and windows are sold only by authorised dealers and distributors.

Upon receiving information about the unscrupulous activity, Tata Steel along with Andhra Pradesh Police conducted a joint raid, and took down the hoardings, boards and all stickers with the Tata Pravesh logo.

This unauthorised use of the Tata Pravesh name is infringing on the Intellectual Property Rights of Tata Steel. The owners were selling fake products of substandard quality while labeling doors and windows, claiming under the Tata Pravesh hoardings in their outlet, causing confusion in the minds of the consumers.

Tata Steel’s products possess tremendous goodwill in the minds of the consumers by virtue of the quality of the products. Such unauthorised use of Tata’s name on products, which does not meet the quality standards of Tata Steel products hampers the reputation of Tata Steel. Tata Steel strongly condemns the misuse of trademarks and logos of Tata Steel and Tata Sons without our prior permission. In furtherance to protecting our brand reputation and goodwill, Tata Steel’s brand protection team continuously monitors and acts against entities that are infringing on the brand’s Intellectual property rights including counterfeiters.

Tata Steel will continue with these efforts in monitoring and acting against any such illegal activities which are negatively impacting its assets and the larger customer fraternity.