365Telugu.com online news,July 6th,2023: Is drinking “tea” good or bad for our health? This topic has been debated for a long time. Some research suggests that tea can have a variety of health benefits when consumed in moderation.

Researchers have found that black tea in particular is more beneficial for health. Black tea is rich in antioxidants. Improves problems from heart to gut and diabetes.

Black “tea” has become a hot topic of discussion during the Corona pandemic. Researchers have found that it strengthens the body’s immune system, which helps keep you safe from infectious diseases.

But in some recent reports, health experts warn against consuming too much black tea as it may increase the risk of kidney diseases. Its consumption is safe as long as you drink it in small quantities.

Caffeine content in black tea

Black tea consumption has been found to be beneficial in everything from diabetes to heart disease, so many studies have been done to understand how it can harm the kidneys.

Studies have shown mixed results. Researchers have found that caffeine is the primary ingredient in tea and coffee. It has both positive and negative effects on the kidneys.

But studies suggest that caffeine is beneficial for the kidneys because it has a diuretic effect. Improves glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Through GFR, you try to understand how well your kidneys are working.

Side effects of caffeine

Although caffeine is known to have beneficial effects on the kidneys, it also has some side effects. Caffeine can affect your blood pressure. Some studies have found that excessive caffeine intake increases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Because high blood pressure is a major risk factor for kidney disease, foods high in caffeine increase the risk of kidney problems.

Its disadvantages are due to oxalate

Due to the amount of oxalate in black-tea it is considered to be the most harmful to the kidneys. It has a high concentration of soluble oxalate. These oxalates bind to calcium. Crystals form, which leads to kidney stones. It is for this reason that high consumption of black tea is believed to increase the risk of kidney stones.

What do the experts say?

Health experts say that studies have shown that black tea has many health benefits. It has a key role in reducing heart disease, especially cholesterol, and controlling blood sugar, but it is considered beneficial in moderation. Consuming too much black tea can cause kidney problems. It should not be taken more than two cups a day, researchers say.