365Telugu.com online news,India,September 18th, 2024: Indian School of Business (ISB), a leading name in management education since 2001, has announced the launch of its latest programme, the Post Graduate Programme in Management for Young Leaders (PGP YL). This 20-month, full-time MBA equivalent residential programme is designed for aspirants with up to two years of full-time work experience, aiming to groom future business leaders.

Set to begin in mid-2025, PGP YL promises an innovative curriculum that caters to the changing business landscape, driven by rapid technological advancements. The curriculum integrates foundational business knowledge with advanced technology, data, and analytics courses. ISB’s research-backed approach also incorporates global perspectives, shaping students into innovative problem solvers ready to tackle complex challenges.

Recognizing the limited work experience of the students, the PGP YL curriculum emphasizes experiential learning through components like a Business Design Lab and an Innovation Lab. Additionally, students will participate in a mandatory two-month summer internship to gain hands-on exposure to real-world business environments. The programme will be taught by renowned faculty from ISB and other top international business schools, bringing world-class expertise into the classroom.

Professor Madan Pillutla, Dean of ISB, highlighted the significance of the programme, stating, “Since our inception in 2001, ISB has focused on creating leaders for India and the world through world-class management education. Conversations with industry leaders and recruiters revealed the need for young professionals with a blend of business acumen and deep expertise in data and technology. The PGP YL programme is designed to address this gap, transforming fresh graduates and early professionals into exceptional problem solvers and innovators.”

To apply for the PGP YL programme, candidates must submit a valid GMAT, GRE, or CAT score, along with details of their educational qualifications and any work experience. The admission process also includes a personal interview, assessing candidates on academic performance, application essays, and test scores. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a panel of industry leaders, academicians, and ISB alumni in senior positions.

The total programme fee for the academic year 2025-27 is INR 21,65,000 + GST, with an additional INR 3,95,000 for accommodation. ISB offers scholarships to 40-50% of the class, with merit and merit-cum-need scholarships providing up to 100% tuition waivers for deserving candidates.

This new initiative by ISB reaffirms its commitment to nurturing young professionals and equipping them with the skills needed to lead in today’s dynamic business world.