365Telugu.com online news,December 17th, 2022: As part of urbanization many changes have taken place. In place of greenery, industries and buildings have come and joined.
This has increased the distance between humans and nature. Not only India but also the countries of the world are facing the same problem.
Scientists have conducted research on how far man is living from nature. From ten years ago, the distance between the past humans and the greenery has increased tremendously. Studies show that this gap has grown faster than ever.
Scientists have found that the average human being lives more than 9.7 kilometers away from nature. Ten years ago, there was greenery only at a distance of 7 km. The gap has increased in each country.
In Germany it has increased from 22 km to 16 km. In France, Europe and East Asian countries, the average distance of residence is more than 20 kilometers. Dr. Victor Cazalis, a researcher at Idiv and Leipzig University, says that many countries in the world are turning away from nature.
As the number of gardens in Japan continues to decline, the variety of flower species there has become extinct. Moreover, wild animals in many countries are also disappearing.
If this happens, environmentalists warn that there will be situations where animals, birds or flowers will have to be seen only in the form of animated videos.
Biodiversity is otherwise a threat to all the creatures living on this earth..so let’s save the nature and protect the greenery around us..