Sun. Sep 8th, 2024
Jacqueline Fernandez gives a sneak peek into her morning routine with Listerine®,online news,Mumbai,August 21, 2020: A healthy start in the morning can definitely lead to a good day!Considering the current lockdown situation it’s important to stay optimistic, disciplined and
channel one’s positive energy, be it with a proper fitness regime, extracurricular actives or a
healthy lifestyle. Actress Jacqueline Fernandez and Listerine® have the perfect solution to
inspire everyone. The actress and fitness enthusiast took to Instagram to give a sneak peek into her everyday morning ritual. An advocate for a healthy lifestyle, Jacqueline has always been a staunch
believer when it comes to discipline the mind and body with a routine. Today, with this post
Jacqueline is spreading awareness on the importance of oral hygiene and why having a morning
routine is beneficial. Listerine®, as we all know cleans the whole mouth to remove germs that
brushing alone misses.In the post, Jacqueline is seen following her morning routine in her usual quirky self and speaks about why she believes that only brushing is not enough. She said, “When I brush my teeth I
only clean my teeth. You need something more to keep your whole mouth clean. I have started
using Listerine® after every time I brush and it really works well for me. It does sting a bit but
then that is Listerine® fighting the germs.”

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