365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,12th August 2023: As the fast roll-out of 5G services continues across AP and Telangana, AP LSA (Licensed Service Area) of Dept. of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India successfully conducted Phase-I roll-out testing of 5G sites of Reliance Jio, in 26 GHz band and 3300 MHz band.

As part of this activity, it conducted Phase-I roll-out testing of 5G sites of 26 GHz and 3300 MHz bands allotted to Reliance Jio, in Telangana (Hyderabad, Peddapalli) and Andhra Pradesh (Machilipatnam, Vijayawada), said DoT AP LSA (AP & Telangana) in a tweet. These tests were spread across four days (8-11 August). During the testing the highest 5G speed on Jio network on 26 GHz band was measured as 2.5 Gbps.
It is worth mentioning that Reliance Jio has been rapidly expanding its True 5G network across the circle and is the only telecom operator having 5G network presence in all districts of AP & Telangana. Jio is also the only service provider to have spectrum in the premium 700 MHz band, considered more suitable for 5G network deployment. As part of Jio Welcome Offer, Jio users presently experience Unlimited Data at up to 1 Gbps+ speeds, at no additional cost.

Jio True 5G has a three-fold advantage that makes it the only TRUE 5G network in India which includes Stand-alone 5G architecture with advanced 5G network with Zero dependency on 4G network; the largest and best mix of 5G spectrum across 700 MHz, 3500 MHz, and 26 GHz bands; Carrier Aggregation that seamlessly combines these 5G frequencies into a single robust “data highway” using an advanced technology.