365Telugu.com online news,Vijayawada, 27th November 2023: Reliance Jio, the world’s largest private mobile data network, has announced the expansion of the JioAirFiber services, its integrated end-to-end solution for world-class latest home entertainment, smart home services and high-speed broadband, in Andhra Pradesh.

JioAirFiber will overcome the challenges of last-mile connectivity and connect every home and small business, which earlier didn’t have access to quality home broadband, due to the complexities and delays involved in extending optical-fiber to their premises.

JioAirFiber services are now available in 45 cities of AP. All homes, and businesses across these cities will be able now enjoy world-class latest home entertainment, broadband and digital experience, delivered through one integrated service. With the expansion of the services, several JioAirFiber connections have been established at customer premises in all these cities. This milestone marks a significant enhancement to the digital landscape in Andhra Pradesh.

“As JioAirFiber services expand to the whole of Andhra Pradesh, all homes, and businesses across the state will be able to enjoy world-class latest home entertainment, broadband and digital experience, delivered through one integrated service. This milestone marks a significant enhancement to the digital landscape of the region. The expansion of JioAirFiber services in Andhra Pradesh solidifies Jio’s commitment to provide cutting-edge connectivity solutions to the youth of the state”, said a Jio Spokesperson.

JioAirFiber provides an opportunity to TV or broadband users to upgrade to a world-class latest home entertainment, broadband and digital experience, delivered through one integrated service.

JioAirFiber plans offer unlimited data at 30 Mbps speed for Rs 599, 100 Mbps speed plans at Rs 899 and Rs 1199. All these plans offer 550+ digital TV channels and subscription to popular OTT apps. While 14 popular OTT platforms are available with Rs. 599 and Rs. 899 plans, the Rs. 1199 plan offers access to 16+ popular OTT apps including Netflix, Amazon Prime and Jio Cinema Premium.

JioAirFiber to provide the best-in-class value proposition & plans as JioFiber and will enable:

1. Digital Entertainment

a. All leading 550+ Digital TV Channels: All your favourite TV channels available in high-definition

b. Catch-up TV: Users can now go back as long as they want and pull out their favourite shows

c. The most popular 16+ OTT Apps: JioAirFiber users get free access to the leading OTT apps. Users can also utilize this subscription and use the apps across any device of their choice such as TV, Laptop, Mobile or Tablet.

2. Broadband

a. Indoor WiFi Service: Jio’s reliable WiFi connectivity and high-speed broadband experience in every corner of your house or business premise.

3. Smart Home service:

a. Cloud PC for Education and Work-from-home

b. Security and Surveillance solutions

c. Healthcare

d. Education

e. Smart Home IOT

f. Gaming

g. Home Networking

4. Home Devices at no additional cost:

a. WiFi router for ubiquitous coverage in your home or business premise

b. 4k Smart Set Top Box

c. Voice-active remote

Call 60008-60008 or login to www.jio.com  for more information and connection.



Step 1: Reach Jio

  • Give a missed call on 60008-60008 to start booking on WhatsApp or
  • Visit www.jio.com or
  • Visit your nearest Jio Store

Step 2: Book your JioAirFiberconnection

  • Register for JioAirFiber services in a few easy steps

Step 3: Get Confirmation

  • Jio will get in touch with you and connect your home on priority, as soon as services in your building are ready.