365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, 22 March 2025: KLM Axiva Finvest, a leading non-banking financial company (NBFC) with a valuation exceeding ₹2000 crore, marked its 25th anniversary with the Fortuna 25 Employee Summit for its Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Maharashtra teams. The event took place at Hotel Lemon Tree, Hitec City, Hyderabad, bringing together employees to celebrate this milestone and chart the company’s future growth.
ఇది కూడా చదవండి…ఎక్కువ గంటలు పని చేయాలనే తన భర్త ప్రకటనపై స్పందించిన సుధా మూర్తి..
ఇది కూడా చదవండి…ఆండ్రాయిడ్ 16 బీటా 3 అప్డేట్ను విడుదల చేసిన గూగుల్..
The summit was inaugurated by Mr. T. P. Sreenivasan, IFS (Retd.), Chairman of KLM Axiva Finvest and former Indian diplomat, with CEO Mr. Manoj Ravi presiding over the event. The gathering served as a platform for employees to reflect on the company’s journey, achievements, and strategic vision for the coming years.
Senior leadership, including Zonal Manager Mr. Butra Nagendra and Regional Heads, shared key insights into the company’s growth and future goals. CEO Mr. Manoj Ravi outlined KLM Axiva Finvest’s strategic roadmap for 2025, emphasizing digital transformation, innovation, and long-term expansion.

A key highlight of the summit was a full-day motivational training session designed to enhance professional skills and team collaboration. The company also honored its long-serving employees for their dedication and contributions, reinforcing its commitment to employee empowerment.
ఇది కూడా చదవండి…వాట్సాప్ హ్యాక్ అయిందా..? ఈ సంకేతాలు కనిపిస్తే వెంటనే జాగ్రత్త పడండి..!
With over 1000 branches across India and Lady Superstar Nayanthara as its brand ambassador, KLM Axiva Finvest continues to strengthen its industry position. The company’s Silver Jubilee celebrations will continue throughout the year, culminating in December 2025 with the launch of its ambitious 2030 growth roadmap, setting the stage for further expansion and an upcoming IPO in the near future.