365telugu.com online news,BHUBANESHWAR, 23 MAY 2022: On the third day of the ongoing rituals at Sri Venkateswara Swamy temple at Bhubanes war, a series of religious events were performed under the supervision of Agama Advisor Dr Vedantam Vishnubhattacharyulu as per the tenets of Vaikhanasa Agama.

Earlier between 8.30am and11.30am Viswaksena Aradhana, Punyahavachanam, Agni Pranayanam, Kalasaradhana, Ukta Homam and Navakalasa Sthapana Ksheeradhivasam were performed.Ksheeradhivasam is an Agamic ritual wherein the Mula Virat which is going to be consecrated in the temple will be cleansed with the sacred milk by chanting relevant mantras

Again in the evening between 6.30pm and 9.30pm, the same events will be repeated by the religious staff amidst the chanting of Vedic mantras