365Telugu.com Online news,Delhi,March 31st,2023: Corona infection is increasing at double the speed in the country. During the last one week, the number of patients getting infected daily has now doubled.
On Friday, 3,095 infected people of Corona were identified in the country. This is the second consecutive day when the number of new cases reported in a day has crossed three thousand.
According to the ministry, 3,016 cases of corona virus were registered in a single day on Thursday. Earlier, on October 2, 2022, 3,375 cases of corona were reported.

According to information, in the last 24 hours, five people have also died due to corona in the country. This includes the death of one patient each in Goa-Gujarat and three in Kerala. With this, so far 5.30 lakh people have lost their lives due to Corona.
The daily positivity was recorded at 2.61 per cent, while the weekly positivity was pegged at 1.91 per cent. The total cases of corona in the country have gone up to 4.47 crore (4,47,15,786).
Earlier on Thursday, the Union Health Ministry had informed that more than three thousand people have been found corona infected in the country, which happened for the first time in the last six months. Till last week, on an average 1,500 people were getting infected daily in the country.

According to the Union Health ministry, 3,016 cases of corona virus were registered in one day. Earlier, on October 2, 2022, 3,375 cases of corona were reported. Apart from this, 1,396 people were also cured from Corona. Active cases a day ago were 13,509, which have now increased to 15,208.