365Telugu.com online news,Mumbai, September 26th, 2024: Mahindra Finance, a leading NBFC under the Mahindra Group, has entered into a co-origination partnership with UGRO Capital Limited, a DataTech NBFC and the largest co-lender in India’s MSME segment. The partnership aims to provide business and affordable loans secured against property (LAP) to the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector, thereby enhancing their business prospects.
This strategic alliance will bring together Mahindra Finance’s brand strength and UGRO Capital’s data analytics, distribution network, and local presence. MSMEs will benefit from easier access to credit, supported by Mahindra Finance’s reputation and UGRO’s expertise, ensuring timely financial aid for businesses across various regions.

Raul Rebello, Managing Director & CEO of Mahindra Finance, commented, “This partnership with UGRO Capital addresses the small business credit gap, boosting the growth of India’s MSME ecosystem. We aim to provide comprehensive financial solutions, enabling these businesses to flourish as part of our commitment to being a responsible financial partner for emerging India.”
Shachindra Nath, Founder and Managing Director of UGRO Capital, added, “Collaborating with Mahindra Finance will significantly expand credit access for MSMEs. Together, we strive to deliver timely, efficient financing, reinforcing our commitment to financial inclusion. This partnership aligns with our belief, ‘MSME Accha Hai,’ and our mission to meet every MSME’s financial needs.”

The partnership combines Mahindra Finance’s extensive experience with MSME customers and UGRO Capital’s specialized focus on MSME financing. With an initial three-year agreement, this collaboration marks a long-term commitment to empowering India’s growing MSME sector.