365Telugu.com online news,January 20th,2025: Megastar Chiranjeevi expressed his heartfelt appreciation for music director Thaman’s recent remarks about the growing negativity on social media targeting films.

At a recent event, Thaman shared his concern over how online criticism is harming the film industry, calling it a self-inflicted wound.

Moved by Thaman’s sincerity, Chiranjeevi took to the platform X (formerly Twitter) to share his thoughts. “Dear Thaman, your words yesterday were truly touching and heartfelt.

It was surprising to see such deep emotions from someone who is usually so full of joy. It made me realize how much pain you must have felt to express yourself so strongly,” he wrote.

Chiranjeevi further emphasized the power of words, stating, “Whether it’s about movies, cricket, or any social issue, everyone using social media should think about the impact of their words.

As someone said, ‘Words are free. Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose what you wish to do.’ If we remain positive, that energy will shape our lives in a positive way. Beautifully said, my dear Thaman. God bless.”

In response, Thaman expressed his gratitude, saying Chiranjeevi’s message would stay with him forever. Referring to a verse from the Bhagavad Gita, he wrote, “Dear Annayya, your words reminded me of ‘Karmanyevadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana’ (You have the right to perform your duty, but not to the fruits of your actions).

“No matter how much we strive, we are human, and sorrow sometimes finds its way into our hearts. Your words, so understanding and empathetic, have deeply touched me and will remain with me forever. Long live cinema.”

Thaman’s remarks and Chiranjeevi’s encouraging response have struck a chord with fans, sparking conversations about fostering positivity in the online space.