365Telugu.com Online news,January 10,2023: Mental health awareness in India is still very low compared to other countries, say medical experts. Psychologists say that the lack of proper understanding of mental health is the reason why everyone from the working person to the idler on the streets is suffering from mental illness and not being able to identify them.
Health is an important part of life. It is also believed that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. That is why most people seek medical advice regularly when they are worried about their health.
This concern and awareness among people towards health is mainly seen only in physical health. However, it is equally important to pay attention to mental health as well, says renowned psychologist Hypno Padma Kamalakar.

The irony is that most of us don’t consider it a part of health. In today’s fast-paced world, every person is surrounded by problems and fears. Efest shows that some of these problems are related to physical health and others to mental illness.
Only then does the mind become unconscious. The mind dominates the individual in unconscious situations. That will cause mental conflict. This is exactly when violent behavior towards other human beings emerges.
Awareness about mental health is needed..our society still lacks awareness about mental health. Psychologist Hipmo Padma Kamalakar says that this is the reason why every person suffers from mental illness and is unable to recognize them.
In our society, mental health is seen and understood only as insanity. That’s why a person can’t tell their family that they are mentally ill and need treatment, she says.

Mental illness is not madness, but our oversensitivities, emotions, and unsatisfied desires dominate in the form of mental disorders. At one time it brings a man to the situation of murder and suicide.
How did a normal looking person commit suicide..? We keep thinking that? These conditions arise from the mental imbalance of the senses. Padma Kamalkar says that due to lack of communication, the situation of mental imbalance is further increasing.
The competition has started to look better and look beautiful. As the same competition increases, he starts looking like one to the society and another to the family. Due to this tendency, man creates a world around himself.
He starts living with two faces. One feels that family and society are watching. Another is his inner mind fighting with him.
A child leads an independent, stress-free life up to an age. Social, educational and family pressure is less on him. Because the family takes care of the child’s mental health.
In adverse situations and failure situations, the child is freed from mental stress with the help of the family. As a person grows up, conditions, relationships, family structure, people, everything changes.
A society struggling with mental conflict..Social and economic pressures have instilled in children the notion that they are good, very good, and superior at birth. He will carry this experience with him and his next generation for the rest of his life.
We are born into a society full of psychological pressures, where we are caught in incomprehensible tensions and pressures. From childhood, family and society teach us to enter these circles, but not how to get out of these circles.
How to achieve success? It certainly educates but how do you mentally toughen yourself in failure? It does not teach. Today we see that every person around us is struggling with mental conflict, sometimes with himself and sometimes with others.
Padma Kamalakar says that what they need is therapy, which means counseling and above all, communication.
The mindset of not being able to communicate one’s mental states to anyone is leading to many mental problems. The mindset of not treating mental health as a disease is also increasing the incidence of suicides.
We take care of our physical health by getting it checked regularly. However, noted psychologist Padma Kamalakar says that mental health should also be taken care of.
Western countries take this problem seriously, and that is why almost every person in those countries must go to psychologists when needed. But India still lacks the mindset of seeing mental health as an issue.
Loneliness, competition and fear of failure lead to dire situations in a person’s life. In such a situation, it is necessary to give proper time to employees to spend time with their family so that they can get some peace by sharing their emotional conflict with their loved ones.