365telugu.com,online news,Hyderabad,31st August 2020: MSN Group (MSN),India’s leading integrated pharmaceutical company,announced free FAVILOW tablets to all the brave hearts,including doctors,nurses, journalists, police & sanitation personnel across 170 cities who have been tested positive for COVID19 while performing their duty to contain the spread of the virus.The COVID19 pandemic has claimed the lives of thousands but has failed to crush the indomitable spirit of our Doctors,Nurses, Journalists Police & sanitation personnel,who have put their lives at risk for our safety.MSN salutes these heroes and their service first-spirit by distributing free FAVILOW 200 Mg tablets (Favipiravir)as an attempt to salute their selfless spirit. This service will be active during the ongoing, pandemic year of 2020.Doctors, Nurses,Journalists, Police & sanitation personnel can avail the benefit by providing the test report,doctor’s prescription and work ID at the customer care desk for free delivery of FAVILOW.Dr MSN Reddy, CMD – MSN Group, commented “We want to express our solidarity to all
the front-line fighters for displaying exemplary service during this pandemic situation. We feel
as an organization it is our responsibility to acknowledge & to service all the Bravehearts. We
have already introduced Favilow at most affordable prices in line with our commitment to
reduce the cost burden in treatment of covid 19.”
“The gesture of MSN to Doctors & healthcare workers is unprecedented and exemplary.

Indian Medical Association (IMA) acknowledges & appreciates the gesture” says Dr. Rajan
Sharma, Hon. National President and Dr. R.V. Asokan, Hon. Secretary General from IMA
when informed about the initiative by team MSN.
The drug ‘Favipiravir’ has been granted approval by DCGI for the treatment of suspected or
laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in adults and children, hospitalized with mild to
moderate symptoms of the disease. FAVILOW (Favipiravir) is available at all the major medical
and hospital pharmacies and can be purchased by producing a prescription by a healthcare
practitioner at the outlet.
As part of the COVID 19 treatment range, MSN has already launched Oseltamivir 75 mg
capsules another anti-viral medication under the brand name ‘’OSELOW’’.
For availability, please contact MSN COVID Helpline @ 91005 91030 or email to