365Telugu.com online news,National, August 16th, 2023: Neil Patel Digital India (NPDI), a leading digital marketing agency, appoints Ajaz Mirza as its Vice President – Operations. In his new role, Ajaz will be responsible for overall company operations. This strategic addition reflects Neil Patel Digital India’s commitment to enhancing its impact in Mumbai, and concurrently, the organization aims to onboard over 350 new team members by the culmination of 2023.
Additionally, as part of its ongoing growth strategy, the company has significantly broadened its geographical footprint to encompass Mumbai. This expansion has entailed the recruitment of a substantial field force, encompassing several key leadership roles within the city. https://npdigital.com/in/

With a diverse clientele spanning various industries, Neil Patel Digital India presently serves an extensive roster of 100+ clients. Since its inception, NPDI has consistently demonstrated an impressive compound annual growth rate of approximately 40%.
Boasting over a decade and three years of profound involvement in the digital marketing sector, Ajaz arrives armed with a wealth of experience in overseeing all-encompassing organizational functions.
His adeptness stands poised to play a pivotal role in driving forward NPDI’s strategic initiative aimed at providing clients with cutting-edge and inventive solution offerings.
Speaking on the new appointments, Pradeep Kumar a.k.a Prady, CEO, Neil Patel Digital India, said, “I am truly pleased to welcome Ajaz to our team. His track record of remarkable achievements in his prior endeavors is a testament to his capabilities. Leveraging his extensive and well-established background in digital marketing, coupled with our foray into a new market, we are confident that his input will be instrumental in ensuring exceptional service delivery to our valued clients.” https://npdigital.com/in/

“I am excited to become a part of the versatile team at Neil Patel Digital India, and I eagerly anticipate contributing to the realization of the company’s growth and profitability objectives. With exemplary leadership to inspire us, I aspire to propel NPDI into the next exciting chapter of growth.”, said Ajaz.
Previously, Ajaz held pivotal positions at Merkle Sokrati (Dentsu) and SEOValley Solutions. In his most recent role, he successfully amplified Merkle’s organic media capability’s revenue twofold and augmented the team size by 50%. His exceptional contributions have garnered recognition within esteemed industry circles, and one of his campaigns clinched the award for “Best Marketing through a Healthcare Website/Blog. https://npdigital.com/in/