365Telugu.com online news,April 9th,2023: Due to lack of sleep, today’s youth face many health problems. Insomnia cases are increasing among youth in Bangalore. Medical experts warn that the risk of heart disease increases if the body does not have proper sleep.
Research shows that the number of patients suffering from sleep disorders has increased from 30 percent to 40 percent in the last decade.

Teenagers to middle aged people are mostly affected. Researchers attribute this to the increased use of light-emitting devices such as smartphones.
‘Studies show that sleep disorders can put stress on heart function, disrupt heart rhythm and increase blood pressure. Also, heart attack, stroke, sleep apnea (decreased oxygen levels in the blood) are associated with sleep disorders,’ say the researchers.

Currently, 25 percent to 30 percent of patients suffering from heart problems suffer from lack of sleep, and studies show that lack of sleep is one of the main factors that lead to heart diseases. Apart from increasing heart rate and BP, it also contributes to obesity, stress, etc., all of which are direct risk factors for heart disease,’ say the researchers.
Doctors reveal that sleep deprivation is now seen in one-fourth of patients who come to the hospital with problems like hypertension, and long working hours and work stress are the main reasons for sleep deprivation in patients. About 70 percent of sleep apnea patients in hospitals are under the age of 45. Doctors say sleep deprivation can also affect other organs like the liver.
‘The amount of sleep each person needs varies. Some only need a few hours. But on an average, medical experts say that people between the ages of 11 and 60 need seven hours of sleep.