365telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, April 20,2022:Rice BPH is one of the most devastating pests which can cause huge losses to the farmers, and therefore farmers are very concerned about its manage ment. Today, majority of the products in the market have resistance issues and farmers tend go for more no. of sprays for BPH control. In the past, in an extreme situation there were 6-7 sprays for BPH alone. And due to this incessantly high usage of BPH control products, the agro eco system gets severely damaged impacting the population of beneficial insects like spiders, lady bird beetles, mirid bugs, etc.

Nichino India, a R&D based company from Japan believes that the only sustainable way of pest management is to develop products which have different mode of action for effective BPH management yet have very safe toxicology profile which means they don’t impact the lives of beneficial insects or non-target organisms.Based on this belief Nichino hassuccessfully developed a new active Benzpyrimoxan (BPX) through a 10-year research. BPX works through a novel mode of action called Ecdysone Titer Disruptor.
This unique product named Orchestra is launched today in Indian market by Tomooka Naohiro, Managing Director, Nichino India in a special launch event held at Hotel Hyatt Place, Hyderabad.

Speaking on the occasion, DG Shetty, Director & COO, Nichino India has explained that Orchestra is the first product based on the Novel technology BPX that was developed through a research held for more than ten years. As Orchestra controls the BPH effectively & selectively without hurting the
beneficial insects, Dr Shetty has explained that by launching this product Nichino feels it’s as the beginning of a New Era. He also revealed that company is working on to bring out more number of products that will benefit the farmers of the nation.Later speaking on the occasion,Tmooka Naohiro, Managing Director, Nichino India has explained that on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of India-Japan diplom atic relationship, launch of this unique product will stand as testimony to good bilateral cooperation in the fields of innovation & manufacturing technologies between India and Japan.

He further explained that the products are developed through a joint research by company at Japan and India and will be made available in both Japan and Indian Markets. He also revealed that company is planning to produce more such products by taking inspiration from Make in India initiative by Government of India. Later speaking on the occasion,M Bhale Rao, Director & Chief Technology Officer, Nichino India has explained that Orchestra was test marketed in recent rabi season in the key areas affected with BPH. Further adding to it, he said that Thousands of farmers who have used Orchestra have expressed their extreme happiness to see their BPH free fields and noticed the thriving population of beneficial insects like spiders and mirid bugs, which are a part of the natural defense system against BPH.

He also revealed that during testing the Farmers also have noticed that their fields are greener due to the Phyto tonic effect of Orchestra. Due to BPH free healthy tillers, farmers have observed aFor media queries please do contact – Kandadai Partha Sarathy @ 9989821333 / 9052116390 uniform emergence of panicles and better grain filling. Healthy panicles & better grain filling often translates to increase in yields, he added.Finally speaking on the occasion and revealing the future plants of the company Hemant Singh,National Sales Manager, Nichino India has said that the company is aiming launch 3 new innovative actives this year which are meant to solve some devastating pest problems of Indian farmers.

Expressing happiness over good response received by newly developed product Orchestra, he hoped that all other products marketed by the company will also receive good patronage from the farmers of India.
Later while participating in question answer session with media Tomooka Naohiro, Managing Director, Nichino India has revealed that company is aiming to achieve 1000 crores of turnover in upcoming two years from existing turnover of 630 crores. He also explained that In order to achieve the same company is planning to launch several products in future and during the current financial year the company is planning to launch three more products along with Orchestra.

With these plans,he hoped that company market share will increase from current 3 percent to 5 percent in Indian Agrochemical market. He also explained despite having 3 percent share in Indian agro chemical market,
the company has 5 percent market share in products related to Chilli and Rice. He also revealed that the company is planning to expand its manufact uring facilities by utilising GOI’s Make in India initiative in addition to existing four manufacturing units company already has in India. He also explained that company will further strengthen its R&D division thus enabling it to launch more india specific products.The program is attended by Tamooka Naohiro, Managing Director, Nichino India along with Sri
KSR Gopal, Director & CFO, Nichino India – DG Shetty, Director and COO, Nichino India – M Bhale Rao, Director & CTO, Nichino India – Hemanth Singh, National Sales Manager, Nichino India along with several other staff members of the company.