365Telugu.com Online News,Hyderabad, 25th, September 2023: National Miner NMDC was conferred with the ‘’Best Organisation Award’ at the 37th Annual Chapter Convention on Quality Concepts 2023 in Hyderabad today.
Honourable Governor of Telangana Smt Tamilisai Soundara rajan presented the Award to NMDC for its indispensable contribution to the QC Movement in Hyderabad and India.

On behalf of NMDC, M Jayapal Reddy, ED (Resource Planning & Environment) and V Srinivas, GM (HRD) received the Award in the presence of Dr G. Satheesh Reddy, Former Chairman DRDO and Former Scientific Advisor.
The Quality Circles Forum of India, Hyderabad Chapter celebrated the role of NMDC in shaping the QC Movement in Corporate India.
Commenting on this achievement, Amitava Mukherjee, CMD (Additional Charge), NMDC said, “Quality Circles in NMDC have played a defining role in enhancing our productivity, efficiency, and safety.

We are happy that we have been able to set a great example of how these collaborative platforms strengthen the industrial culture and we are committed to the growth of the movement within our company and the country.”