365telugu.com Online News,26th ,2023: Noise Luna Ring also tracks your heart rate. Apart from this, it also has an SPO2 sensor for blood oxygen. Apart from this, the NoiseFit app also supports it. In addition to this, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 5) is also supported. It has a battery backup claim of 7 days.

Domestic company Noise has launched its smart ring Noise Luna. It was earlier reported that the bot will introduce the country’s first smart ring. But Nois bet. Noise Luna is like any smart gadget. It can be worn on the fingers like a ring. https://www.gonoise.com/

The company has not disclosed the price of the Noise Luna, but to buy it, Rs. 2,000 has been launched by Noise Luna Pass. Customers purchasing this pass will get Rs. 1,000 discount. Apart from this, with this pass, you can get 50 percent discount on Nois i1 smart glasses.

Noise Luna Smart Ring Specifications..

Noise Luna is very light. 3 mm thin. Titanium of fighter jet grate is used in this. Apart from this it has a diamond like coating. https://www.gonoise.com/

This makes it scratchproof and water resistant. Noise Luna packs infrared sensors inside, including PPG sensor, temperature sensor, 3-axis accelerometer, charging pin, etc.

The Noisy Luna Ring also tracks your heart rate. Apart from this, it also has an SPO2 sensor for blood oxygen. Apart from this, the NoiseFit app also supports it. https://www.gonoise.com/

In addition to this, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 5) is also supported. It has a battery backup claim of 7 days. The company has partnered with Philips for Noise Luna. It is available in seven ring sizes and five colors.