365Telugu.com on line news, August 31,2023: Health experts emphasize that a healthy diet along with regular exercise and good sleep are necessary to maintain physical and mental health. By getting a good night’s sleep, the hormonal balance is improved and the brain is rested. Researchers have found that not getting enough sleep even for one night can have adverse effects on the body. This condition increases your risk of problems like fatigue-weakness and irritability.

Health experts say that sleep problems are increasing in people of all ages. Some bad habits in the routine are considered to be the reason for this. Researchers have found that sleep problems are caused by the increasing use of mobile-laptops and the blue light they emit. This problem is also seen more in children.

How mobile-laptops increase sleep problems and what tips should be followed to improve it..?

Sleep problems with increased screentime

In many studies, the way people view excessive use of mobile phones not only increases sleep problems, but also increases weight gain and mental health.

Health experts say two or more hours of screen time in the evening can disrupt melatonin, which is essential for sleep. That’s why experts recommend turning off all electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed.

If you want a good night’s sleep

Fatty fish is rich in various types of nutrients that our body needs on a regular basis. Research studies have found that if you want better sleep, adding fatty fish to your diet is a good option. According to a study conducted over several months, people who ate fatty fish three times a week significantly improved their sleep quality.

Nuts are also beneficial

Nuts are essential for all people, say nutritionists. Consuming nuts is considered beneficial for maintaining good physical and mental health. Researchers have found that by including nuts like almonds and walnuts in your diet, you can also reduce the risk of sleep-related problems. Pistachios and cashews are considered as one of the beneficial nuts for relieving sleep disorders.