365Telugu.com Online News,Hyderabad,January 24th, 2023: Keeping their rich legacy of 102 years alive, OBEETEE CARPETS has been weaving brilliance for over a century.
A world-renowned leader in the handwoven carpet industry, their new flagship store in the prime location of Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, features the brand’s most exquisite designs.
The legendary carpet brand with their latest store has set a new record of providing its customers with a luxurious experience.
Driven by excellence and quality craftsmanship, the store gives everyone a glimpse of the magnificent artistry of their rugs through the wide array of collections available at the Hyderabad store. Designed by Design 21, the store has been planned in accordance with a ‘level to level’ setting with the goal to exude charm like none other.
An interesting characteristic of the store is that it has been planned to provide the customers with a personalized experience, which showcases their focus on detail and a distinct narrative.

Exploring the interiors, it is truly a fine blend of craft and technology. As we move further into the paradise of art and design, creativity is reflected through the idiosyncratic furnishings and light fixtures.
The walls of the store are covered with neutral tones against which the colors of the carpet draw the attention of the customers, making intricacies of the carpet standout.
The furniture placed in solid tones adds the extra comfort to the homeowners and designers who visit to catch a glimpse of the store and the exquisite rugs displayed in it. The brass patina on the walls reflects the carpet’s life, beautifying further with age.
Ms. Angelique Dhama, CEO, OBEETEE CARPETS Retail, said, “OBEETEE CARPET’s new flagship store in Hyderabad is designed to help our customers embark on an unforgettable journey and truly experience all that the brand stands for.
OBEETEE CARPETS with its expansion plan is set to spread the purest artisanal craftsmanship across cities. After the fantastic response at the Delhi and Mumbai stores, it is only imperative to spread the beautiful tradition, aesthetic and opulence to other parts of the country.”
The store is multilevel in nature and highlights the intricacy and quality that the carpets represent while providing a perfect backdrop for OBEETEE CARPET’s rich collection of carpets and their craftsmanship.
OBEETEE CARPETS is not just a carpet brand. Apart from its rich legacy in the carpet industry, it is also well-known for its finest teas and hospitality.
The team gives you a comfortable experience while you sip their handpicked Makai Bari tea from the client’s estate and explore the colorful carpets.
You can shop from home through their White Glove service and experience the luxury at your doorstep and after-sales services. Mark your calendars and plan your visits, this store is one you don’t want to miss!