365Telugu.com online news,India,May 20, 2023: OPPO, a leading global smart device brand, has announced its partnership with T-SIG (Telangana Social Impact Group) to support the UDAAN project, which aims to transform the lives of Odia migrant workers in Sangareddy district, Hyderabad in Telangana. UDAAN seeks to empower these workers by improving their overall well-being, including their health, nutrition, children’s education, wages, and living conditions. As a sponsor of this initiative, OPPO, along with T-SIG & Aide et Action (NGO) will positively impact the lives of more than 2500 migrant workers and 400 children who will be residing in the Sangareddy district for six months (October 2023 to March 2024).
Adopting a holistic approach for ensuring the welfare of the labourers, OPPO and T-SIG will work in tandem on various levels. The Project will involve conducting surveys to gather information about the brick kilns and identify specific requirements of the workers. The UDAAN project will have seven government departments working together, namely the District Collectorate, Labour Department, Department of Women and Child Welfare, Department of School Education, Department of Primary Health, Dept of Civil Supplies and Sangareddy District Police. They will come together to ensure the successful implementation of initiatives and entitlements. The entire process will be moderated by T-SIG under the able leadership of Mr. Jayesh Ranjan IAS, Principal Secretary, Dept of Industries, Commerce, I& T, TS Govt.

Commenting on the partnership, Tasleem Arif, VP and R&D Head, OPPO India, said, “We are delighted to announce OPPO’s collaboration with T-SIG to support the UDAAN migrant labour project in Sangareddy district. As OPPO stands strong with its philosophy of ‘Technology for mankind, kindness for the world’, this partnership marks a significant milestone in our ongoing CSR efforts journey. By teaming up with T-SIG, we are proud to play a part in empowering more than 2500 migrant workers and create a meaningful impact in their lives by addressing critical aspects such as health, education, wages, and living conditions. This collaboration builds on OPPO’s commitment to drive social change and sustainable development in India, and we are determined to create a positive and long-lasting impact in the entire Sangareddy district community.”
Speaking at the launch, Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, IAS, Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce, IT, E&C said, “We are pleased to announce this CSR collaboration between T-SIG and OPPO. As the world’s leading smart device manufacturer and innovator, through this initiative, OPPO is empowering thousands of brick kiln workers in their journey in Telangana. We look forward to strengthening the partnership as the project unfolds.”
As part of the initiative, all workers will be registered so that they become eligible to receive financial benefits and access to subsidized rice through the Public Distribution System (PDS). More than 400 children of the workers will be enrolled in regular Odia medium schools and Child Care centres will be set up with an intent to abolish child labour. Health camps and awareness programs will be conducted to provide health services, and brick kiln owners will be sensitized to promote better practices benefitting about 2500 migrant including 1200 women workers. Regular meetings between departments will promote better coordination, and efforts will be made to improve health and safety measures, thereby improving the living and working conditions of migrant workers.

Recently, OPPO has also signed an MoU with Andhra Pradesh Innovation Society (APIS), the State Nodal Agency for promoting the growth of the entrepreneurship ecosystem, to support deep tech startups in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Also, OPPO has entered a year-long partnership with the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) to engage young social entrepreneurs to join the effort to address social sustainability issues through innovation.