365telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,october27th, 2021:Vigilance Awareness Week for FY 2021-22 is being celebrated by Department of Telecommunications, APLSA (comprising both TS & AP States) from 25th Oct 2021 to 1 Nov 2021. As part of celebrations, a pamphlet has been released by J V Raja Reddy, ITS, Dy Director General (Administration), APLSA, Dept of Telecom, Hyderabad on Mobile related Security for general Awareness and Safety of the public of Telangana & AP States.

Talking on the occasion Raja Reddy said that in recent years, there has been a massive jump in the number of cases registered under Cyber Crime and Telangana contributed to over 10% of cybercrimes reported across the country. Almost 50 % of our population are using internet and we are number 2 in online business after china.

G Gouri Sankar ITS, Dy Director General (Telecom Security) has explained the importance of the awareness creation among the general public about Mobile related Security aspects as various financial frauds are on the rise now a days duping innocent public of their hard earned money. The Awareness Pamphlet enumerates most commonly observed frauds such as OTP Frauds, KYC Frauds, QR Code Frauds, Smartphone Smishing, Mobile Tower Frauds, Fake Call Centre Frauds, Sextortion Crimes, Loan/Gift/Job Frauds etc., along with precautionary measures, complaint reporting mechanism and important Do’s & Don’ts. G V Ramana Rao, ITS, DDG (Compliance), has also graced the release event.