365Telugu.com online news,January 12th,2025,Hyderabad: The Pallavi Model School tirumalagiri, under the leadership of Chairman Mr. Malka Komaraiah and academic director Dr. Sudha Turaga, has launched a transformative community initiative called ‘Sahyog’ aimed at enhancing Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in rural areas of Telangana.
This project aligns with the goals of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, focusing on creating a sustainable model to foster collaboration between schools, families, and communities.

The ‘Sahyog’ initiative aims to:
- Strengthen relationships between schools, families, and communities in Telangana.
- Bridge gaps in early childhood education as envisioned by NEP 2020.
- Provide quality education to rural children through a collaborative effort.
As part of this project, Pallavi schools have adopted Anganwadis in Peddapalli and Mancherial towns for a period of 12 weeks, where children between 3 to 5 years of age will be taught using the NCERT Balavatika syllabus, a predominantly activity-based learning program. Additionally, teaching methods inspired by Maria Montessori and Kindergarten models will be integrated to offer a holistic learning experience.
The unique aspect of ‘Sahyog’ is its co-generational approach, where local community members, senior citizens, and Grade 8 students from Pallavi schools will work together to support the education and skill-building of these young children. The project is designed to engage volunteers of all ages, including parents and individuals on sabbatical, to contribute their time and knowledge to the children’s development.
Dr. Sudha Turaga highlighted the importance of this initiative, stating, “Sahyog is a step towards empowering rural communities and making quality education accessible to every child, thereby laying a strong foundation for their future.”

The project will be executed in phases, and customized learning modules will be developed to cater to the needs of the children. With a vision to build stronger communities through education, the Pallavi Group of Schools hopes to create a lasting impact in rural Telangana by bringing together various stakeholders to promote universal early childhood education.
The ‘Sahyog’ initiative serves as a beacon of hope for rural children, ensuring that education reaches every corner of society, fostering inclusivity and sustainable development in line with India’s vision for a brighter future.