365Telugu.com Online News,June 24th,2023:Yamaha India recently showcased some high performance motorcycles like MT-03, R7, MT-07, MT-09, R1M and R3 at a dealership event. Although there is no official announcement regarding the launch of these motorcycles yet, some dealerships have started bookings for the Yamaha R3.
One thing to note here is that Yamaha has not officially started taking bookings. But these bookings are done unofficially. Dealerships are charging Rs.5,000 to Rs.25,000. Recently Yamaha Motor updated the R3 in Japan to 2023. Yamaha R3 was once sold in India.

But later stopped. Now this motorcycle will be launched in the Indian market by the end of this year. It will be sold through the company’s Blue Square dealership.
The 2023 Yamaha R3 gets minor changes for the new model year. The updated model gets new sleek LED indicators, typical of Yamaha’s larger motorcycles. Also, there’s a new purple color that will instantly catch your eye. This model is likely to come in the Completely Knocked Down (CKD) route.
Engine power..
The 2023 Yamaha R3 gets the same 321cc parallel-twin engine. This engine produces 41 bhp of power at 10,750 rpm and 29.5 Nm of peak torque at 9,000 rpm. A 6-speed gearbox is available with these engines. The bike comes with a diamond frame. It comes with 37 mm USD front forks and pre-load adjustable monoshock from KYB at the rear.
Other hardware details on the bike include all-LED lighting, LCD instrument console, slipper clutch, dual-channel ABS. The R3 has always been a sport tourer bike with more comfortable ergonomics and a free-revving engine.

Compared to the model sold earlier in India, the new R3 brand will already come with new designs compared to the larger R7 motorcycle.
After the launch, Yamaha R3 will compete with its old rival KTM RC 390 (KTM RC 390) in the Indian market. Apart from this, it will compete against BMW G 310 RR, TVS Apache RR 310, Kawasaki Ninja 300 as well as Kawasaki Ninja 400. Although the price of the Yamaha R3 is significant, it is expected to be as cheap as a single cylinder bike.