365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, 11th May, 2023: Round Table India presents “Pride of Telangana Awards”, fourth edition. It is a unique initiative to honour the Achievers and felicitate the Emerging personalities of Telangana.

Round Table India will identify and honour those dynamic heroes who have made the state proud by their hard work and innovation in their respective fields. They make our community and society grow with their stupendous contribution.

This year, the 12 Awards categories are: Art and Culture, Education, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, Healthcare, Infrastructure, NGO, Retail, SME, Sports, Star Woman & Start-ups. Each category will have 2 winners – one Achiever who has achieved name and fame in their respective field & has been an inspiration for the youth; and second Emerging who is a promising talent and has made notable contributions in their respective field.

The Jury will be deciding on the Achievers winners and shortlisting Emerging nominations. The emerging nominations will then be out to vote by the public of state. We are overwhelmed and grateful to have an experienced Jury from diverse background who have excelled and created landmark in society. This year, Pride of Telangana Jury members are :

  1. VC Sajjanar, Managing Director, Telangana State Road Transport Corporation, 1996 Batch IPS 
  2. Mr. Murali Mohan, Actor, Politician, Founder – Jayabheri
  3. Ms Shilpa Reddy, Mrs India, Fashion Designer, Entrepreneur
  4. Mr. Sandeep Agarwal, Director, Ratnadeep
  5. Dr. Evita Fernandez, Founder, Fernandez Hospitals
  6. Ms. Srividya Reddy Gunampalli, Vice-Chairperson, Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Sciences.

The Grand Awards ceremony is slated for the 2nd of July, 2023.

In the past three editions, the Pride of Telangana awards received one thousand nominations across twelve different categories. Following the nomination process, the site was open to public voting, and we received an overwhelming 53,000 votes. The public had the opportunity to vote for a winner in each of the twelve categories.

These impressive figures demonstrate the immense interest and engagement in the awards, and we are thrilled to see such active participation from the community. We are excited to continue recognizing the outstanding work of individuals and organizations in Telangana, through our upcoming awards ceremony.

Round Table India has always emphasised on the fact that education is the greatest enabler and helps individuals to achieve their dreams. Round Table India will contribute the entire proceeds from this event towards building infrastructure for the less privileged. As before, the Categories for the 2023 Awards have been curated with great care and thought process.

The eminent Jury members deliberate and decide on the Achiever Award, who have established a prominent reputation in their fields and serve as a source of inspiration for up-and-coming individuals. The Emerging Award seeks to identify and acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of young talents in their respective fields.

The board of Jury members will have the final say in deciding who will receive the awards. This ceremony provides an excellent opportunity to recognize and appreciate the hard work and contributions of individuals and organizations in their respective fields.

The aspiring candidates, who satisfy the criteria in their respective categories, can apply for the award or recommend worthy candidates they know off. The nominations, should be filled online at www.prideoftelangana.com or, be mailed to info@prideoftelangana.com with appropriate supporting documents, on or before 27th of May, 2023. Interested aspirants may visit www.prideoftelangana.com, for more information. From amongst the shortlisted nominees, who satisfy the criteria, the jury members will select the top 3 in each category and finalise the most deserving amongst them.

Round Table India extends a warm invitation to all residents of Telangana to nominate themselves or encourage their friends and family to apply for the awards. Interested individuals can use this opportunity to showcase their accomplishments and hard work and receive well-deserved recognition.

It is an excellent platform for deserving candidates to gain exposure and be celebrated for their achievements. We would also like to thank the main sponsors of Pride of Telangana Awards 2023, Ratnadeep Retail, Bajaj Electronics and Falcon.