365Telugu.com online news,New Delhi, January 21, 2025: The Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi visited the JSW MG Motor India pavilion, themed ‘Drive.Future’, at the prestigious Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025. During the visit, Mr. Parth Jindal, Director, JSW MG Motor India, and Mr. Rajeev Chaba, CEO Emeritus, JSW MG Motor India, proudly presented the company’s new-age vehicles and cutting-edge innovations in sustainable mobility and smart technologies.
The pavilion displayed MG Motor’s vision for a greener and connected future, emphasizing its commitment to advancing eco-friendly transportation solutions.

The showcase highlighted MG’s latest electric and hybrid vehicles, integrated with advanced features designed to revolutionize the driving experience.
This event reaffirmed JSW MG Motor India’s dedication to shaping a smarter and more sustainable future in the automotive industry. Through these groundbreaking innovations, the company aims to lead the way in transforming India’s mobility landscape towards a more sustainable and technology-driven future.