Wed. Oct 16th, 2024 online news, October 2nd,2024: Parents of autistic children are sounding the alarm on illegal therapy centers that are exploiting vulnerable families. These centers, operating without proper resources, qualifications, or licenses, offer substandard therapies for autism, ADHD, and other neurological disorders, causing more harm than good ¹.

Autism, recognized as one of 21 global disabilities, can be effectively managed with early diagnosis and proper therapies, enabling children to lead normal lives. However, government inaction and lack of facilities have left many children undiagnosed and without timely interventions, leading to developmental setbacks and emotional, physical, and financial suffering for families.

The Urgent Need for Government Action..

Parents are demanding immediate shutdowns of these unlicensed centers, which are:

  • Exploiting vulnerable children and families
  • Providing misleading therapies
  • Causing irreversible harm

A Call to Action..

Governments must:

  • Close illegal therapy centers
  • Ensure only licensed facilities operate
  • Provide accessible, affordable, and evidence-based treatments
  • Support families with resources and education

The emotional and financial toll on families caring for children with disabilities is already overwhelming. It’s time for governments to protect these vulnerable families from exploitation and ensure their children receive the care they deserve.

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