Corona UPDATE Corona UPDATE, online news,Hyderabad,11 April ,2020 : The Government of Telangana imposed a ban on spitting of paan masala, chewing tobacco or non-tobacco products in public places as an effort to prevent the spread of coronavirus with immediate effect.

The harmful effects of tobacco use are well established and accepted globally. Also the role of tobacco use/spitting in public place in spreading infectious disease like Coronavirus/Covid-19.  Chewing of smokeless tobacco products (gutkha, zarda, khaini and other chewing tobacco products and paan masala) and areca nut (supari) increases the production of saliva followed by a very strong urge to spit.

Spitting in public places increases the dangers of spread of Coronavirus/Covid-19.

Public Health Organisations Welcome the Move by Telangana Government in imposing a ban on spitting of paan masala,

In this regard the Central Government vide its communication dated 16th and 13th March has informed the State Governments that they have the necessary authority under the Epidemic Diseases Act,1897, the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and the Indian Penal Code 1860 to deal with Coronavirus/Covid-19. Accordingly, several State Governments have invoked relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code 1860 and other laws to prohibit the sale, use and spitting of chewing tobacco, to check the spread of Coronavirus/Covid-19 and other infectious diseases.

In view of the increasing danger of COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) also appealed to the people not to consume and spit smokeless tobacco in public places. The apex health research body said chewing smokeless tobacco products (gutka, pan masala with tobacco, pan and other chewing tobacco products) and areca nut (supari) increases the production of saliva, followed by a very strong urge to spit. Spitting in public places could enhance the spread of the COVID19 virus.

“We take this opportunity to express our admiration & applaud to the Government of Telangana for taking excellent measures for the prevention & control of spread of COVID 19 virus & imposing a ban on the spitting of paan masala and chewing tobacco products in public places”, Bhavna B Mukhopadhyay, Chief Executive Voluntary Health Association of India.