365Telugu.com Online news,November 14th, 2022: ZEE5, India’s biggest local video web based stage reported the arrival of their most recent Telugu unique ‘Aha Na Pellanta’ a couple of days back. From that point forward, there has been a ton of buzz around the series and the entertainers. In front of the shows discharge the cast Raj Tarun and Shivani Rajashekhar were seen advancing the series at Dadi Organization of Designing and Innovation, Vignan’s Foundation Of Data Innovation and CMR Focal Shopping center in Visakhapatnam on Friday.

The cast proceeded with the advancements and was seen looking for endowments from Kanaka Durga Sanctuary in Vijayawada today. Both the entertainers likewise tended to a press meet at Door Lodging which was trailed by visits to VVIT school and PVP Square shopping center.
Aha Na Pellanta is a hilarious story of a man of the hour, secluded by the lady on their big day. Coordinated by Sanjeev Reddy and delivered by Tamada media, the eight roundabout series, Aha Na Pellanta highlights Raj Tarun and Shivani Rajashekhar and a flock of jokesters in critical jobs. This rom-com show series will debut on ZEE5 on November 17.
Loaded with a great deal of feelings – love, selling out, kinship, the story spins around a lady of the hour who runs off with her ex leaving the person holding up in the mandap. The story unfurls when this person chooses to get payback. The series is a clever interpretation of vengeance and a silly pledge which changes the hero’s destiny for eternity. Aha Na Pellanta is a keen blend of sentiment and satire that takes an extraordinary interpretation of connections. It will toss not one yet many astonishments to its watchers.
Trailer Connection – https://youtu.be/iTHSaDT5OmA
Manish Kalra, Boss Business Official, ZEE5 India said, “Aha Na Pellanta is a current romantic tale that will interface with crowd at different levels. As the multilingual narrator of India, we invest heavily in focussing on amusement by banding together with narrators for different accounts and this Telugu offering is one more move toward that heading. With a famous starcast, the series has a wonderful portrayal of muddled associations with an additional touch of parody that will make it an incredible watch.”

Chief, Sanjeev Reddy said, “Aha Na Pellanta is a story which will engage the crowds and leave a grin all over toward the series’ end. We have really buckled down on this venture; every job has been created remembering in the subtleties of each and every person. We needed to ensure that crowd is conveyed with a blend of both satire and show while making it interesting. With our organization with ZEE5, we are happy that the crowd in 190+ nations will be able to watch it and we really want to believe that they appreciate it as well.” Prepare to watch ‘Aha Na Pellanta’ just on ZEE5!