365telugu.com online news,Delhi,July 12th,2022:Ranbir Kapoor is playing a larger than life quintessential Hindi film hero with the action entertainer Shamshera. Ranbir, who is coming to the big screen four years after he delivered the blockbuster Sanju, is relishing the casting coup in the film that pits him against Sanjay Dutt who is playing an evil, merciless, cold-hearted brute force of nature, Shuddh Singh.

While Sanjay Dutt vs Ranbir Kapoor makes Shamshera a big screen entertai ner to watch out for, another aspect that has become a huge talking point for the film is the brilliant VFX which has happened for about 2.5 years to make Shamshera a visual spectacle to watch out for!
Yash Raj Films has an in-house VFX division called YFX that works on every YRF film to make them an on-screen visual delight. Ranbir says, “Cinema as a medium has the power of really transporting an audience to a whole new world where they can really immerse themselves. Today, with the help of technology and CG, you can really push that forward.
I think YRF has really given this film so much backing – be it the budget or the action, the sequences – it’s made Shamshera a visual spectacle! While we were shooting, even I couldn’t imagine the scale that it would end up looking. Now, when I see the final product, I am so awestruck that I can’t wait for the audience to see it!”
Director of Shamshera, Karan Malhotra, says, “The entire team at YFX deserves a pat on their backs. We have worked relentlessly for over 2.5 years to bring to life the world of Shamshera. And the unanimous love being rewarded to the visuals of Shamshera upholds our core idea that Shamshera is aimed at being a never before seen cinematic event for the cine-goers.

We wanted to create a whole new world, a whole new experience for the big screen audiences. I’m glad that we have captivated people to want to watch our film on the big screen.”
The story of Shamshera is set in the fictitious city of Kaza, where a warrior tribe is imprisoned, enslaved and tortured by a ruthless authoritarian general Shuddh Singh. This is the story of a man who became a slave, a slave who became a leader and then a legend for his tribe. He relentlessly fights for his tribe’s freedom and dignity. His name is Shamshera.

The high-octane, adrenaline-pumping entertainer is set in the 1800s in the heartland of India. It has the big promise of a never seen before Ranbir Kapoor, who plays Shamshera in the film! Sanjay Dutt plays Ranbir’s arch-enemy in this huge casting coup and his showdown with Ranbir will be something to watch out for as they will ferociously go after each other with no mercy.
Directed by Karan Malhotra, this action extravaganza has been produced by Aditya Chopra and is set to release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on July 22, 2022.