365Telugu.com online news,Hayathnagar,3rd August, 2024: Reliance Digital launched its new store in Hayatnagar, Opposite RTC supervisors Colony, Bagath Village. Spread across 8,000sq feet with a Ground and 1 additional floor, this tech destination offers the widest range of latest electronics at best prices along with an expert tech squad for in-store assistance and also resQ service experts, dedicated to post-purchase care of electronics. With the fastest delivery and installation, customers can now get their hands on their favourite tech without any delay.

Reliance Digital’s Hayatnagar store was inaugurated by the stunning actress Nabha Natesh. Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in a Meet & Greet with the popular actress and receive exclusive signed merchandise. To add to the cheer, Reliance Digital is offering up to 10% instant discount on leading bank cards with exciting early bird offers at the new store.
Reliance Digital offers more than 2,000 products from over 500 international and national brands. They include a complete range of consumer electronics and home appliances including the latest Smartphones, Smart TVs, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, Home Theatres, Digital Cameras, Laptops, Accessories and other small electronics items.

True to the motto of “Personalising Technology”, Reliance Digital aims to bring customers a world of tech choices at affordable prices. By offering unbeatable deals on electronics with multiple finance options, including Easy EMI, Reliance Digital aims to help every customer find the perfect tech to suit their lifestyle.
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