365Telugu.com online news,August 18th,2024:Reliance Jio has unveiled its most economical plan yet, priced at just Rs 75. This plan, designed for JioPhone users, offers exceptional value with a validity of 23 days. It is ideal for those who require minimal data and want to keep their expenses low.

What’s Included in Jio’s Rs 75 Plan:

Validity: 23 days
Data: 100MB per day, totaling 2.5GB for the entire plan. Once the data limit is reached, internet speed is reduced to 64 kbps.
Calling: Unlimited calls

Recharge Options: Recharging this plan is simple and convenient. You can recharge via Jio’s official website or the My Jio app. Additionally, third-party apps like Google Pay also support recharging this plan.

Looking for More Data?

If you need a bit more data, consider Jio’s Rs 125 plan. This plan also has a validity of 23 days and offers:

Data: 500MB per day
Calling: Unlimited calls
SMS: Unlimited

Jio Apps: Free subscription to JioTV, JioCinema, JioCloud, and JioSecurity
The Rs 125 plan provides additional data and includes a suite of Jio services, making it a great option for those who need more than just basic connectivity.