365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, 22th December 2024: Reliance Retail’s youth-centric fashion brand, Yousta, is steadily expanding its footprint in South India, with its latest store opening in Hyderabad at Nagole-Alkapuri X roads.
Since its launch, Yousta has been rapidly expanding across India, with stores in Maharashtra, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Uttarakhand.
Yousta is committed to captivating young shoppers with its diverse range of trendy top-to-bottom ensembles, unisex and character merchandise, and weekly fashion drops through its distinctive “Starring Now” collections.

Our range starts at the surprisingly low prices of Rs. 179, thus offering a wealth of choice to our young consumers.
The Nagole store, much like its counterpart stores, offers a modern, tech-enabled shopping environment with self-checkout counters for efficiency, and charging stations for convenience, ensuring a contemporary shopping experience. The brand invites its customers to post their unique and favourite styles with yousta, with the customer influencer programme.
Yousta also emphasizes community engagement and sustainability. The store collaborates with local non-profit organizations, encouraging customers to donate old clothes as part of community support and sustainability efforts.
Patrons can now explore the vibrant collection first-hand at Nagole, or they can shop online via the AJIO and JioMart platforms.
For the latest updates and fashion releases, follow Yousta on Instagram at @youstafashion.