365telugu.com,onlinenews,january27,Hyderabad: TSRTC Managing Director and Principal Secretary (TR&B), Government of Telangana Sunil Sharma, hoisted the National Flag at Bus Bhavan and received the Guard of Honour. He also extended warm and patriotic wishes to the staff on the occasion of 71st Republic Day celebrations. He spoke about the dedication and sacrifices of freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, etc., the constitution came into force with effect from 26th January 1950 and this day is being celebrated as Republic Day every year. He also expressed that both Independence and Constitution are very important for every citizen for the development of citizen as well as the State and Nation. Further he also expressed that TSRTC is having committed and hard working staff. The staff should work hard and give their best services to the corporation, along with supervisors and Officers. They should work as a team.
The programme was attended by Executive Director (Revenue,IT)&Secretary to Corporation A.Purushotham, ED (E) Vinod Kumar, ED (O)Yadagiri, ED(A) T.V.Rao, FA Ramesh, HODs and employees participated in the celebrations and made it a grand success.