365Telugu.com online news,october 27th,2023: All that matter’s is wonderful company , great music, loads of liquids (coffee, water and whatever), tasty food, a camera , a Road map , full planning in the brain , and lots of laughter , Above all , a great Cause all this together will create wonderful memories for life …

With the an Idea Of the road trip-
Rotary club of Bangalore Koramangala ,
Rotary club of Bangalore Nagarbhavi
Rotary club of Bangalore Agara, it’s Presidents and members of the corresponding clubs are planning to create such major memories on their Pan India road trip from Garden City Bangalore to City of lakes Srinagar and back to Garden City from 27th oct 2023 to 12/11/2023…

We just don’t travel and visit historicial places , but we are also planning to do awareness programs. This would Create hopes for ourselves and, to other fellow Rotarians also to the general public . Which is the theme of Rotary for this year 2023-2024 ..That is Creating Hope in the world.

“THIS IS WHAT WE WANT TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF ” is a FOUR D Drive .. An All India drive for awareness.

Four D which are:

1 . Diabetes Awareness Campaign .. Sweetness in life is good but not in food

  1. Depression Awareness Campaign – Healing is not only to the body , even brain needs too
  2. Drug Addictions Prevention Campaign
    What You think is heaven , is actually hell for everyone around u and yourself

4 . DEI Awareness Campaign
Time to celebrate differences in a similar way

Sustainability is the key in all the concepts..

Strength of our country is in its diversity ..
We travel with different ideas to different cities but travel together throughout the country seeking your support and wishes , spreading smiles and awareness, connecting diverse people with similar goals ..

The following people will be addressed students, teachers , parents Employees , Rotarians and non rotarians about all the above mentioned Issues.

Travel is therapy :

Road travel, is therapy with enlightenment
Awareness Campaign Road travel is therapy enlightenment and satisfaction for our Body Mind and Soul.

We are In search of all these..
Looking for your support for the same
Wish us best, prayers for us , support us, and join hands with us.

Go with no expectations and come back with huge memories is what we are looking at.

Rtn Dr Padmakshi Lokesh
Clinical Psychologist ,
Rotary Bangalore Nagarbhavi,
drpadmakshi@gmail.com .