365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad, March 20,2024: Sahil clinched a double crown in the Gamepoint 1st Pickleball Championship by winning both the men’s doubles and mixed doubles titles at the GamepointHitec in Hyderabad.

In the men’s doubles final, Sahil and Dhaval defeated Gaurabdip Ghosh and V S Cisakh 15-7 to win the title in the tournament, organised by Gamepoint, a prominent sports services provider that has so far unveiled three premium pickleball courts in Hyderabad, to cater to the burgeoning interest in the sport.

Gamepoint aims to provide a strong sporting infrastructure for various sports to flourish and the Pickleball Championship is part of the effort where players participate to showcase their skills and take home the trophy.

Sahil teamed up with Prachi in the mixed doubles category and got the better of Charitha and Venkat 16-14 in the final to clinch another trophy in the tournament.

“I congratulate all the winners of the inaugural Gamepoint Pickleball championship. The enthusiasm shown by pickleball players and the response we have received have only made us more confident that the sport is on the rise in Telangana and also in India.

Gamepoint always aims to bring the joy of sports to the people and this tournament is just a start as we will be hosting many more pickleball tournaments in Hyderabad to popularise the game,” said Gamepoint Co-Founder Siddharth Reddy.

Pickleball, a racquet sport, combines elements of tennis, table tennis, and badminton and has gained significant traction globally. A total of 68 players took part in the inaugural Pickleball competition organised by Gamepoint in the men’s doubles and mixed doubles category. 

The men’s doubles category witnessed 24 teams vying for the title while 10 pairs competed in the mixed doubles category with all the matches being played under lights.