365Telugu.com online news,Gurugram, July 11th, 2023: Samsung Electronics will host its first Unpacked in Seoul, Korea, on July 26, where the South Korean company will showcase an all-new Galaxy, along with other latest technologies designed to open possibilities and transform lives. Galaxy Unpacked is going to make you want to Join the flip side.

Meanwhile, customers in India can pre-reserve Samsung’s next generation foldable devices by paying INR 2000 on Samsung.com, Amazon.in and Flipkart or by visiting Samsung’s Exclusive Stores and leading retail outlets across the country.
Pre-reserved customers will get benefits worth INR 5000 on the purchase of Samsung’s next generation of foldable devices that will be unveiled globally on July 26, 2023.
The foldable category embodies Samsung’s philosophy of delivering breakthrough innovation that pushes boundaries to reshape the future of mobile experiences.