365Telugu.Com,OnlineNews,march12,Hyderabad: Telugu,Kannadabilingual,project“Seethaayanam” is directed by Prabhakar Aaripaka starring Anahitha Bhushan opposite him in Rohan Bharadwaj’s presentation & Mrs. Lalitha Rajyalakshmi’s production under Color Clouds Entertainments. Coming out with a perfect blend of Love, Crime & Entertainment written according to the latest trend, this movie is known to have a tagline “Respect Women” that explains the story plot.
Meanwhile, Producer Mrs. Lalitha Rajyalakshmi says “Seethaayanam’s story is treated in a completely different and impressive way by director Prabhakar Aaripaka & young talent Akshith Shashi Kumar has performed very well. We’ve successfully wrapped up the shoot at various beautiful locations around Bangkok, Hyderabad, Mangalooru, Agumbe, Bangalore, Vizag, and the Post-production works are commencing at a brisk pace. As of now, we’re planning to bring it in March”Director Prabhakar says, “With the rich production values from the makers & splendid performances from our Akshith & Anahitha, Seethaayanam has turned out very well as expected”.
Cast: Ajay Ghosh, Madhunandhan, Vidyulekha Raman, Bithiri Satti, Krishna Bhagavan, Gundu Sudarshan, Anant, Jabardast Apparao, TNR, Madhumani and Meghna Gowda.
Story & Direction: Prabhakar Aaripaka
Producer: Lalitha Rajyalakshmi
Camera: Durgaprasad Kolli
Editing by: Praveen Pudi
Lyrics: Chandra Bose, Ananta Sriram
Fights: Real Satish
Choreography: Anish
Music: Padmanaabh Bhardwaj.