365Telugu.com online news,Hyderabad,February 3,2024:FTCCI in association with Lions Clubs and Telangana and Andhra Plastics Manufacturers Association (TAAPMA) is organizing a Seminar 3rd February, Saturday at FTCCI hall, Red Hills, Hyderabad on the eve of World Cancer Day which is observed on February 4th.
The Seminar is organised to bring awareness about Cancer and it’s treatments among the people.

Lions International President Dr Patti Hill is joining the seminar as Chief Guest to address the participants of all sections of the community. One of the Global causes of Lions International is cancer.
Lions International Director Dr Babu Rao, President FTCCI Mr Meela Jayadev and President TAAPMA A Dayakar and R Sunil Kumar Past International Directors will also be participating.
Dr Pavan Kumar B, Dr Harish NL, Dr Kalyan and Dr Pranneth from different hospitals will speak on different topics with more focus on Palliative Care i.e. how to provide a dignified life at the end stage of life. The seminar is organised with the slogan is “Let’s Conquer Cancer”
As all we know the deadly disease of Cancer and its incidence is increasing day by day.

As per the LANCET Journal every year seventy percent of Cancer victims are dying. To fight it people should know what is and how to identify the early symptoms of it to go to the doctors.
Diagnosis at early stages is always curable. And people should know what types of treatments are available throughout the world and how Robotic treatments will help in curing the different types of cancers.